I appreciate your writing and your perspectives! I’m with you in finding/creating/celebrating spaces where the answer hasn’t already been found, but rather we’re helping each other make some discoveries and curious observations along the way.

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Thanks Bethany! Yes! I love this quote: “Perhaps the secret of living well is not in having all the answers, but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company.” (Rachel Naomi Remen)

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Yes to a bias for personal responsibility. Yeah, our culture (whatever that is) isn’t oriented for families, but we can create our own culture as opposed to always blaming the government, culture, etc.

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For sure. It’s hard(er) but it absolutely can be done. Miss chatting w you and hope you’re well! Waiting for Substack to add DMing like 👀👀👀

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

Just letting you know I read this one! I have been slacking.

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Now that you have a paid subscription you better step it up!😃

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

I just found you through Haley Baumeister and am excited to delve into your posts! I love what you said about being loyal to people, not ideologies. Amen!

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

Ooooo I am allllll about these guiding principles with which to discuss your question.

Loyal to people, not ideologies. Yes. That's the only way to honestly and creatively discuss these types of things.

And Beth Berry! I remember being introduced to her work via an essay at Strong Towns a couple years ago. And I love that Strong Towns talked with her (and otherwise includes discussions of parenting and family) because our built environment responds to *but also shapes* our experience of living, parenting, community, etc. And that's one in the kaleidoscope of factors for mothers. :)

*Found it. Turns out it was an interview and now I kinda want to re-listen:


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Thanks for your comment! And yes she’s the real deal. Strong Towns sounds familiar but I can’t remember if I know them or not. I’ll maybe listen to this this morning as I do dishes!

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I don't know if you've stumbled across Strong Towns at all from my newsletter, but I share their stuff from time to time!

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