Nov 19, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

I think I'm a "scrunchy" mom, like we grow our own food and remedies but also grab a Happy Meal every once in awhile? 😆 The algorithms can be so unforgiving that once you begin researching and following crunchy culture, you're bombarded with all kinds of foods, supplements, remedies, self care products, practices, etc. and feel like you have to do it ALL or else you're absolutely poisoning your family. Woofta! I've had to take a step back.

I've always felt awkward saying "I'll pray for you." I hear you. And I think maybe it's hard to tell when people are genuine or if it's just the appropriate response? We've started sharing prayer intentions among my different circles, and sometimes it almost feels like a cover for gossip. Such as "we need to pray for so&so, her cancer is back" or "this person was in a bad accident" etc. I've struggled with this and when or not it's appropriate to share. One thing I've tried to start doing is ask for prayers for myself and my family rather than redirecting my intentions to other people. I think some people just probably aren't comfortable asking for prayers for themselves and that's why they defer to asking for prayers for those around them, so I want to show them it's OK to ask for what you need. It's a fine line I'm still trying to figure out.

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Ughh. The fear mongering of the crunch world is REAL. And I would say that I’m pretty dang crunchy. But I’ve had to move away from my anxiety running decisions about that stuff. I try to learn and take things in as I can, but not obsess. It’s a hard line to walk.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

I came across this proverb and made me think of you and your comment about constantly reading and consuming more info to grow 😊

"Those who gain sense truly love themselves; those who preserve understanding will find success." Proverbs 19:8

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

Also I support this type of post! I can relate with having a profound thought or realization and then feeling like I have to craft this entire, perfect blog post in order to share it, so the thought stays buried and never shared 😊

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Love this. I also feel like I’ve received enough information and just don’t want to add to the noise. It’s one reason why I deleted Instagram. The world is better when I’m chill. (Also, thanks for the mention!)

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Amber Adrian

I enjoyed this post! I like the idea of this new series and hearing the things you’re thinking about. You have such an interested and engaging mind. ❤️

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Thank you Christianne! It’s great to hear from you!

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