Jul 24Liked by Amber Adrian

Looking forward to this! I would love it if an interview with a mom in the medical world were included. I’m a third year family medicine resident with two littles, so currently on the “extreme” end of working hours, but I don’t identify myself as a career person and it’s hard to find voices I relate to in that sphere. I’m glad I found your substack. Thank your for your lovely writing!

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Love this! I so appreciate when interviews like these are written so I can go back to reference/revisit easily. So even if you do a podcast, would love transcript and/or key quotes typed out.

(I’m sure you have lots of people to chat with, but if you need someone to talk to 🙋‍♀️ )

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Jul 23Liked by Amber Adrian

Oh yay I love this idea!! I am definitely one of these “in the middle” moms and it’s a very lonely place to be because the middle is so quiet! Drowned out by the two extremes I suppose - just like in politics 🙃

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Jul 23Liked by Amber Adrian

Love this idea! My vote is for a podcast because I find it easier to listen to things, especially when it’s a conversational format.

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Can’t wait for this! I vote for pod! I love hearing you talk!

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Thank you friend💞

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I love this idea. It’s what I’m living right now. This has been the biggest challenge for me to grapple with since my first son was born 4 years ago, ramped up even more so with my second son arriving last year. Even though I know the work I do at home is important, I still feel as though it isn’t perceived as enough. It brings me so much inner turmoil quite honestly. Look forward to seeing how the series unfolds. X

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Been there! Thanks for letting me know this connects for you!

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Love this idea, and the name. I think it accurately represents…mothers 🫶🏻

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Thank you. And I see what you mean and agree💞

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Aug 9Liked by Amber Adrian

Excited for this! I work in an all women office (creative agency) and we’ve set up some systems and structures around how we work so we can try to better navigate being a mother and a creative! It’s been so interesting as we shifted from a young office culture to now a place where almost all are mothers of 1 or more!

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Jul 24Liked by Amber Adrian

Love this! I am navigating working from home and taking care of my little one right now, so this is really pertinent for me. It seems like written interviews is winning, but it would be so amazing if you did a podcast too 😂 not to make your life harder, haha

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Aug 9Liked by Amber Adrian

Agree! i wanted to click BOTH 😂

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What a great idea. I’ve always asked moms I meet if it comes up if they work outside of home. Motherhood works and looks different for everyone. How wonderful you will be showcasing different versions of it for those that are searching for what works or have never seen how they do it modeled. We are all in this together ❤️

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Jul 24Liked by Amber Adrian

Also I was joking to know husband the other day that if I ever manage start a podcast it will just be me getting interrupted by my kids and I’d have to call it “In the Middle of Mothering” and he was like “sounds great, you always say it’s important to keep it real”. I’d forgotten you were doing this series but I think the title had wormed its way into my brain.

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I'm really looking forward to this! I'm expecting my first child this fall, and for the foreseeable future, I will be a stay at home mom, but maybe not forever. If, how, and when I will work outside the home again will depend on so many factors going forward -- so it's an evolving situation for me and I have no explicit plan other than a desire to remain flexible for now. So much of my life I was told that in order to be responsible I would need to know where I "saw myself in 10 years," and I've really had to throw that away since becoming pregnant.

I would really benefit from hearing about how other mothers navigated uncertainty around if and when they will return to work and if they returned to the same kind of work or came up with something totally new.

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I love this idea, I would love to contribute if you are looking for contributors. I stay home with my son, work from home as direction of operations for a marketing studio, and I am starting my own business....so I have many thoughts and experiences on this topic.

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Absolutely will be putting a call out for contributors! I already have a list of women I know personally but will do as many as I can!

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Sounds amazing! I cannot wait.

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