#9 really hit for me! Thanks for sharing that quote! Really reminds me of my late beloved grandma, she definitely was our matriarch and I only hope to be a little like her one day ❤️

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Love this. Yes it really moved me too.

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I'm here as a Raffi fangirl to say YESSSSSSSS

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Both my kids (1+nearly 3) hate baths and I've always just showered with them 😅 fun for everyone -- though I still will do a relaxing solo shower at least once a week.

I can't stand Raffi but we'll agree to disagree 😂

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Kids who hate baths and a mom who can’t stand Raffi! You’ve got some interesting stuff going on Katie!😂 In all seriousness, I can’t imagine anyone not liking Raffi. Please elaborate!😃

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#4 was a breakthrough in my parenting. I would get so discouraged by not being able to shower, and then the lightbulb went off: “Wait. I can bring her in here.” It was a game changer when I had a 3-year-old who could be trusted looking at books right outside the bathroom door and a 1-year-old who could not be trusted in any situation whatsoever.

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Ahh love it! It’s funny the ways we limit ourselves with rigid thinking. Who says we need to do anything in a certain way? Motherhood will make us creative that’s for sure!😄

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And the kids LOVED it! It’s really a win all around.

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“I want to die as a matriarch” is big me energy.

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Raffi is so underrated! I always think of the “Bumping up and down in my little red wagon” song when we’re having a rough day… “one wheel’s off and the axel’s broken” — yup, that’s us!

(It’s also a really fun song to act out — we used to do that in the General Music class I taught. Little kids just love the action elements of songs like this. It’s built in pretend play).


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He really is. I can think of how that one goes a bit but it isn't one my kids know! Thanks!

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