May 18Liked by Amber Adrian

I love your take on this. I saw someone say that the “working mom” and the “stay at home mom” are often the same person at different point in their lives! I think your piece explores this quite nicely!

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Absolutely. Thank you and thank you for reading! I dream of a world where these titles for moms don’t exist at all.

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May 19Liked by Amber Adrian

There is so much nonsense out there about on this topic. I do really like the distinction of vocation vs career. For so long I mistaked a career for vocation. But it takes being in touch with your true self (not your ego or silly moralistic ideals) to find it and lot of trail and error and along the way you may have the profound experience of becoming a mother that of course changes everything. Now that I feel closer to understanding my vocation, I'm thankful for jobs that allow me to pursue my vocation as a mother and otherwise.

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May 19Liked by Amber Adrian

Well said Amber! No need to be routed down a road with no options. Keep adjusting to life as it comes to you. Live your vocation as it is revealed to you and realize that you are serving God and your neighbor as you do that.

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I can’t love this more.

“Homemaking and mothering are sacred, valuable work—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are all off to start your career, but I want you to know that when you become a mother, your relationship to paid work may shift. You may want to take a break for a while, go part-time, or use the time to explore a different path, like freelancing or entrepreneurship. You’ll figure it out. But don’t let anyone convince you it has to be this or that or that any choice is a forever one. Be open to a path that is uniquely yours.”

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Bravo Amber ♥️

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Thank you Cori💞

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