Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Amber Adrian

I need #7 repeated to me every single day into eternity - maybe I'll believe it someday xD

I have this quote of St. Catherine of Siena's on our wall:

'you are rewarded not according to your work or time, but according to the measure of your Love.'


Thanks for sharing! Happy birthday!

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Oh me too sis. Love that quote. Now it’s going on my wall!

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Jun 27Liked by Amber Adrian

Happy birthday! #6 really really resonates. And I think #8 and #9 are closely related—St Paul said he “does the thing he does not want to do” all the time, and I think that’s exactly why Jesus insists on forgiving over and over and over again.

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Oh I hadn’t made that connection but yes! Love that! I’ve been wanting to write about forgiveness and haven’t. So powerful. Have you seen (or read) The Shack? That forgiveness scene with the butterfly😮‍💨

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Jun 27Liked by Amber Adrian


Happy Birthday!

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Jun 27Liked by Amber Adrian

Oh man, resounding yes to 29 and 34. (Have learned 29 the hard way and stilllll working on 34-- the people pleaser in me may always be working on it? 😅)

Happy 41st, Amber!!

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Thx for sharing what you really connected w Lauren! Those are big ones! People pleasing is ingrained in most of us from childhood, I think. It’s tough to shake.

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Oooooo 29 and 41.

Happy birthday, Adrian! I loved this list so thanks for (re)sharing it with us.

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Glad you enjoyed. 41 - I went to a silent retreat last year and it changed my life. Going again this year if it works🤞🏼

Also my name is Amber😅 but this literally happens all the time. I wonder if my vibe is more “Adrian”??

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Had a very brief moment of, oh my gosh, have I been calling her the wrong name? 😅😂

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Amber Adrian

Oh my gosh hahahaa Mom Brain. The two A names -- that could both be first names -- next to each other just gets me sometimes.

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